If your Check Engine Light and Traction Control Light are on in Austin, Texas, it may be due to faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure. These issues can trigger both warning lights to illuminate.

It is important to address these problems as soon as possible to ensure the proper functioning of your vehicle’s safety systems. Driving with the traction control light on is generally safe, but if other warning lights related to the braking system also come on, it is advisable to have your vehicle checked by a professional.

Ignoring these warning lights could potentially lead to more severe issues.

Check Engine Light And Traction Control Light on: Troubleshooting Tips

Credit: www.reddit.com

Common Causes

If the check engine light and traction control light are on, it could be due to faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure. It’s important to address these issues promptly to ensure the proper functioning of your vehicle’s safety systems.

Prompt diagnosis and repair can prevent further damage and potential safety risks.

Faulty Wheel Speed Sensor

Faulty wheel speed sensors are one of the common causes behind the check engine light and traction control light coming on in your vehicle. These sensors are responsible for measuring the rotational speed of each wheel and sending that information to the vehicle’s computer system. When a sensor fails or malfunctions, the computer receives incorrect or no data, leading to the illumination of the warning lights.

There are several reasons why a wheel speed sensor may become faulty. It could be due to a damaged wiring harness, a broken or loose connection, or sensor failure. Additionally, dirt, debris, or corrosion on the sensor can affect its performance. It’s essential to address the issue promptly as a faulty wheel speed sensor can compromise the effectiveness of your vehicle’s traction control system.

Low Tire Pressure

Another common cause of the check engine light and traction control light coming on is low tire pressure. When your tires are not properly inflated, it can affect the accuracy of the wheel speed sensors. The sensors rely on the proper rotation of the wheels to provide accurate data for the vehicle’s computer system.

Low tire pressure can be caused by various factors, such as temperature changes, punctures, or gradual air leakage over time. It’s crucial to regularly check your tire pressure and inflate them to the recommended levels. This simple maintenance task can help prevent unnecessary warning lights from illuminating and ensure optimal performance of your vehicle’s traction control system.

Check Engine Light And Traction Control Light on: Troubleshooting Tips

Credit: www.reddit.com

Effects Of Lights Coming On

The check engine light and traction control light coming on in your car could indicate issues such as faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure. It is important to address these issues promptly for safe driving.

Impact On Traction Control

When the Check Engine Light and Traction Control Light come on simultaneously, it can have various effects on the vehicle’s traction control system. The Traction Control System (TCS) is responsible for ensuring stability and control while driving, especially in slippery conditions. Here are a few ways the lights coming on can impact the traction control system:

Safety Concerns

The Traction Control Light coming on along with the Check Engine Light can indicate a potential safety issue. It is important to address the problem promptly to avoid any further complications or risks while driving. Some safety concerns that may arise include:
  1. Reduced Traction: The traction control system may not operate at its optimal level when the lights are on, increasing the risk of skidding or losing control in slippery conditions.
  2. Braking System: In some cases, the Check Engine Light and Traction Control Light can also affect the overall braking system, compromising its effectiveness and potentially extending the stopping distance.
  3. Mechanical Malfunctions: The lights could be indicating underlying mechanical issues that may affect the performance and safety of the vehicle. Ignoring these warnings can lead to further damage and costly repairs.
It is crucial to prioritize safety and have the vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible when these lights come on. Prompt action can help prevent accidents and ensure the vehicle remains in reliable condition. In conclusion, when the Check Engine Light and Traction Control Light illuminate simultaneously, it is important to understand the impact it can have on the traction control system and the associated safety concerns. Addressing these issues promptly is essential to maintain the vehicle’s safety and performance.

Possible Solutions

When faced with the illumination of the check engine light and traction control light on your dashboard, it’s essential to address the issue promptly to ensure safe driving and prevent potential vehicle damage. Here are some possible solutions to consider:

Checking Brake Fluid Level

If the check engine light and traction control light are on, checking the brake fluid level becomes crucial. Low brake fluid levels can trigger these warning lights and may indicate a potential issue with the braking system. Follow these steps to check the brake fluid level:

  1. Locate the brake fluid reservoir under the hood of your vehicle.
  2. Inspect the fluid level and ensure it is within the recommended range indicated on the reservoir.
  3. If the level is low, add the appropriate brake fluid to bring it to the recommended level.
  4. After adding fluid, monitor the lights to see if they turn off, indicating the resolution of the issue.

Resetting Traction Control System

Resetting the traction control system can sometimes resolve the illumination of the traction control light. Follow these steps to reset the traction control system:

  1. Turn off the engine and locate the traction control button, usually found on the dashboard or center console of the vehicle.
  2. Press and hold the traction control button for a few seconds until the traction control light turns off.
  3. If the check engine light remains illuminated, consider consulting a professional mechanic to diagnose the underlying issue.

Driving Considerations

Driving Considerations:

Driving With Traction Control Light On

If the traction control light is on, you can drive but avoid harsh acceleration and be cautious in slippery conditions. Keep a safe speed and watch for any unusual driving behavior.

Impact Of Abs And Brake Warning Lights

When the ABS or brake warning lights illuminate, it might indicate a serious safety issue. Avoid driving and have your vehicle inspected immediately to prevent potential braking problems.

Expert Insights

When your check engine light and traction control light come on, it could be due to faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure. These issues can affect the performance of your vehicle’s braking system, and it’s important to address them promptly.

Learn how to fix the problem and restore functionality to your car in our expert insights on this topic.

Expert Insights on Check Engine Light and Traction Control Light

Role Of Spark Plugs

The role of spark plugs is crucial in ensuring proper ignition and combustion in the engine.

Understanding Powertrain Fault

Powertrain faults can impact the overall performance of the vehicle and must be addressed promptly.

Check Engine Light And Traction Control Light on: Troubleshooting Tips

Credit: blog.rainbowmuffler.net

Frequently Asked Questions Of Check Engine Light And Traction Control Light On

Why Did My Traction Control And Check Engine Light Come On?

The traction control and check engine light may come on due to faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure causing a malfunction.

Why Did My Trac Off And Check Engine Light Come On At The Same Time?

The Trac off and check engine lights may come on due to faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure.

Is It Ok To Drive With Traction Control Light On?

It is generally safe to drive with the traction control light on, but not recommended under certain conditions. If accompanied by other warning lights, such as ABS or brake light, your braking system may be affected.

Can Bad Spark Plugs Cause Traction Control Light To Come On?

Yes, bad spark plugs can cause the traction control light to come on if they cause a misfire.


Addressing the Check Engine Light and Traction Control Light is vital for maintaining vehicle safety and performance. Whether it’s faulty wheel speed sensors or low tire pressure causing these lights to activate, prompt attention and potential repairs are necessary to ensure smooth driving and prevent potential hazards.

Keeping a watchful eye on these indicators can help avoid further complications and maintain the vehicle’s optimal functionality.

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