The most common reason for a 2016 Ford Explorer check engine light is a failing oxygen sensor. A failing oxygen sensor can be quickly replaced by your local auto repair shop in Western Washington to restore your vehicle’s ability to measure unburned oxygen in its exhaust system.

Introducing the 2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light: If you own a 2016 Ford Explorer, you may have experienced the frustration of seeing the check engine light illuminate on your dashboard. This warning light can indicate a variety of issues, ranging from minor to more severe.

Understanding the common reasons for a check engine light can help you diagnose the problem and take the necessary steps to fix it. One of the most common reasons for a check engine light in a 2016 Ford Explorer is a failing oxygen sensor. We will explore this issue and provide you with some guidance on how to address it.

2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light: Troubleshoot Like a Pro


Understanding The Check Engine Light

When you see the check engine light illuminated on your 2016 Ford Explorer, it can be a cause for concern. The check engine light is a warning indicator that is part of your vehicle’s onboard computer system. It is designed to alert you to potential issues that may affect the performance or emissions of your vehicle.

Common Reasons For Activation

There are several common reasons why the check engine light may come on in your 2016 Ford Explorer. These include:

  1. Dirty mass airflow sensor
  2. Damaged oxygen sensor
  3. Broken head gasket
  4. Malfunction with the fuel injection system
  5. Broken emissions control part
  6. Faulty spark plugs

If any of these components are not functioning properly, it can trigger the check engine light to illuminate. It is important to have these issues addressed promptly to prevent further damage to your vehicle and ensure optimal performance.

Severity And Response

The severity of the check engine light can vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle. In some cases, a solid yellow or orange light may indicate a lower severity issue. However, it is still important to make an appointment with a certified technician to diagnose and fix the problem. On the other hand, if the check engine light is flashing, it indicates a more serious issue, and you should take your vehicle in for immediate service.

When the check engine light comes on in your 2016 Ford Explorer, it is crucial not to ignore it. Even if your vehicle appears to be running fine, there may be an underlying problem that could worsen over time if left unaddressed. Taking prompt action to diagnose and repair the issue can save you time, money, and potential headaches down the road.

So, if you notice the check engine light illuminated on your 2016 Ford Explorer, don’t panic. Take a deep breath and schedule an appointment with a trusted mechanic to have your vehicle inspected. The sooner you address the issue, the sooner you can get back on the road with peace of mind.

2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light: Troubleshoot Like a Pro


Troubleshooting The Check Engine Light

When it comes to the check engine light in your 2016 Ford Explorer, it can be a frustrating and worrisome experience. However, understanding how to troubleshoot the check engine light can help you diagnose and resolve the issue quickly. In this section, we will discuss the gas cap check and probable causes of the check engine light.

Gas Cap Check

The first step in troubleshooting the check engine light is to check your gas cap. In some cases, a loose or faulty gas cap can trigger the check engine light to come on. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Make sure your vehicle is parked in a safe location.
  2. Turn off the engine and remove the keys from the ignition.
  3. Locate the gas cap on the driver’s side of the vehicle.
  4. Inspect the gas cap for any signs of damage or wear.
  5. Ensure that the gas cap is tightened securely until you hear a clicking sound.

If your gas cap was loose or damaged, tightening or replacing it should resolve the issue. However, if the check engine light continues to stay on after performing the gas cap check, there may be other probable causes to consider.

Probable Causes

When the check engine light remains illuminated after checking the gas cap, there could be various probable causes. Some common causes of a check engine light in a 2016 Ford Explorer include:

  • Dirty mass airflow sensor
  • Malfunctioning oxygen sensor
  • Broken head gasket
  • Issues with the fuel injection system
  • Broken emissions control part
  • Faulty spark plugs

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples of probable causes, and a proper diagnostic check by a qualified technician is recommended to identify the exact issue. Your local Ford dealer or auto repair shop will have the necessary tools and expertise to diagnose and resolve the problem with your 2016 Ford Explorer.

By addressing the probable causes of the check engine light promptly, you can ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your vehicle. Remember to always consult a professional if you are unsure about the cause or if the check engine light persists even after troubleshooting.

Dealing With Serious Issues

2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light

When the check engine light comes on in your 2016 Ford Explorer, it’s important to address the issue promptly. Ignoring the warning can lead to serious problems that may result in costly repairs. It’s crucial to understand the potential issues and take the necessary steps to resolve them.

Engine Misfire

If the check engine light is indicating an engine misfire, immediate attention is required. An engine misfire can lead to further damage and reduced fuel efficiency. Diagnostic tests are essential to identify the root cause of the misfire and facilitate timely repairs to prevent consequential damage.

Prompt Attention Required

When the check engine light is flashing, it is a clear indication that immediate action is necessary. A flashing check engine light often signifies a severe issue that requires prompt attention to prevent further damage to the vehicle. Seeking professional diagnostics and repair services is crucial to address the underlying problem promptly.

Regular Maintenance To Prevent Activations

2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light

Regular maintenance is crucial in preventing frequent activations of the check engine light in your 2016 Ford Explorer.

Suggested Actions

1. Schedule routine inspections at your local auto repair shop.

2. Replace air filters and spark plugs as recommended by your manufacturer.

3. Regularly check fluid levels and top up as needed.

Long-term Effects

1. Ignoring check engine light warnings can lead to costly repairs in the future.

2. Continuous activations may reduce fuel efficiency and overall performance of your vehicle.

Understanding And Resetting The Check Engine Light

The check engine light in your 2016 Ford Explorer can be an alert for various issues with your vehicle. Understanding the meaning of the light and how to reset it can help you address potential problems efficiently.

Meaning Of The Light

The check engine light signifies a potential problem detected by the vehicle’s onboard computer. Common causes include issues with the emissions/exhaust system, a dirty mass airflow sensor, damaged oxygen sensor, or faulty spark plugs.

Resetting Procedures

If you’ve resolved the underlying issue triggering the check engine light, you can reset it to turn it off. Different methods can be used to reset the light, such as disconnecting the battery for a few minutes or using an OBD-II scanner to clear the error code.

Common Reasons For Check Engine Light

  • Failed oxygen sensor
  • Loose or damaged gas cap
  • Issues with the mass airflow sensor

Guidelines For Addressing The Check Engine Light

  1. Inspect gas cap for tightness
  2. Visit a reputable auto repair shop for diagnosis
  3. Resolve underlying issues promptly
2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light: Troubleshoot Like a Pro


Frequently Asked Questions On 2016 Ford Explorer Check Engine Light

What Is The Most Common Reason For Check Engine Light?

The most common reason for the check engine light is a faulty oxygen sensor, dirty mass airflow sensor, or issues with the emissions system. It’s essential to have the vehicle diagnosed and repaired promptly to prevent further damage.

What Is The First Thing To Check When The Check Engine Light Comes On?

Check the gas cap first. It may be loose or damaged, causing the check engine light to come on.

Should I Worry About A Solid Check Engine Light?

No need to panic, but take it seriously. A solid check engine light indicates a problem that needs to be diagnosed and fixed. It could be a minor issue or something more severe. Schedule an appointment with a professional to get it checked out.

A flashing check engine light means you should address the problem immediately.

What Is The Most Probable Cause Of A Check Engine Light?

The most probable cause of a check engine light is a dirty mass airflow sensor, damaged oxygen sensor, or broken emissions control part. When the light comes on, it indicates an issue that needs immediate attention to diagnose and fix the problem.


If your 2016 Ford Explorer’s check engine light is giving you trouble, don’t panic. There are several common causes, such as a dirty mass airflow sensor or damaged oxygen sensor. It’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further complications.

Consult with a professional for accurate diagnosis and repairs to keep your vehicle running smoothly.

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