The Check Engine And Traction Control Lights indicate a possible malfunction in the vehicle’s safety system. If the Trac Off light accompanies the Check Engine light, there may be a deeper issue.

While it may be safe to drive with the traction control light on, certain conditions may affect the braking system. Signs of a faulty traction control sensor include a lit traction control light and inconsistent brakes. Traction control can impact engine power and torque to prevent tire slippage.

Check Engine And Traction Control Light are on: Troubleshooting Tips


Common Causes Of Check Engine And Traction Control Lights

The check engine and traction control lights can be on due to various common reasons like a faulty wheel speed sensor, low brake fluid level, or a bad traction control switch. It’s important to address these issues promptly to ensure the proper functioning of the vehicle’s safety systems and overall performance.

Faulty Wheel Speed Sensor

If your Check Engine and Traction Control lights are on, one of the common causes could be a faulty wheel speed sensor. The wheel speed sensor is a crucial component of the traction control system, responsible for measuring the rotational speed of each wheel. It provides important data to the vehicle’s computer, allowing it to detect any wheel slippage and apply the necessary corrective actions to maintain traction. A malfunctioning wheel speed sensor can disrupt the proper functioning of the traction control system, leading to the illumination of the Check Engine and Traction Control lights.

Brake Fluid Level

Another possible cause for the Check Engine and Traction Control lights to be on is a low brake fluid level. The brake system is closely connected to the traction control system, and if there is a problem with the brake fluid level, it can trigger both warning lights to illuminate. Low brake fluid level may indicate a leak or a problem with the braking system, which can compromise the effectiveness of the traction control system. It is important to check the brake fluid level and address any issues promptly to ensure the safe operation of your vehicle.

Traction Control System Issues

In addition to a faulty wheel speed sensor and low brake fluid level, various other issues with the traction control system can trigger the Check Engine and Traction Control lights to turn on. These can include malfunctioning control modules, wiring problems, or sensor failures. The traction control system is complex and relies on multiple components working together seamlessly. When any part of the system malfunctions, it can result in the illumination of these warning lights. It is best to have the system diagnosed by a qualified technician to pinpoint the exact cause and undertake the necessary repairs. In conclusion, several factors can contribute to the illumination of the Check Engine and Traction Control lights in your vehicle. Faulty wheel speed sensors, low brake fluid levels, and traction control system issues are common causes. It is essential to address these concerns promptly to maintain the safety and performance of your vehicle. If you are unsure about the cause or unable to resolve the issue yourself, it is recommended to consult a professional mechanic for a thorough diagnosis and repair.
Check Engine And Traction Control Light are on: Troubleshooting Tips


Impact Of Check Engine And Traction Control Lights

Impact of Check Engine and Traction Control Lights

The Check Engine and Traction Control lights are important indicators that can greatly impact your driving safety and vehicle performance. These lights illuminate when there is an issue with the engine or the traction control system. It is crucial not to ignore these warning lights as they provide valuable information about the health and functionality of your vehicle.

On Driving Safety

When the Check Engine and Traction Control lights are on, it is important to be aware of the potential impact on your driving safety. These lights indicate that there may be a problem with the engine or the traction control system, which can affect your ability to control the vehicle effectively.

    The impact on driving safety may include:

  1. Reduced traction and stability:
    • When the Traction Control light is on, it means that the system designed to enhance traction and stability may not be functioning correctly. This can result in reduced control of the vehicle, particularly in slippery or uneven road conditions.
  2. Potential brake system issues:
    • If the Check Engine light is accompanied by the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) light and the red brake-warning light, it could indicate a problem with the entire braking system. In such cases, your ability to stop the vehicle safely may be compromised.
  3. Unexpected engine performance:
    • A Check Engine light could indicate various engine-related issues, such as a misfire, fuel system malfunction, or emission problems. These issues can lead to unexpected engine performance, including reduced power and potential breakdowns while driving.

On Vehicle Performance

The Check Engine and Traction Control lights can also have a significant impact on your vehicle’s performance. When these lights are on, it is a clear indication that there is an issue that needs to be addressed to ensure optimal performance.

The impact on vehicle performance may include:
– Decreased fuel efficiency: Engine-related issues can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, resulting in more frequent visits to the gas station.
– Reduced power and acceleration: Engine problems can cause a decrease in power and acceleration, making it difficult to maintain the desired speed and pass other vehicles safely.
– Increased emissions: A malfunctioning engine can result in higher emissions, which not only negatively impact the environment but may also lead to a failed emissions test.

Overall, it is crucial to address the issues indicated by the Check Engine and Traction Control lights promptly. Regular maintenance and diagnostic checks can help prevent complications and maintain both driving safety and vehicle performance.

Understanding Traction Control System

Understanding Traction Control System

The traction control system is an integral part of modern vehicles, designed to enhance stability and prevent skidding or loss of control. It operates by detecting wheel slippage and then applying the brakes to the slipping wheel or reducing engine power to regain traction. This proactive approach helps drivers to maintain control in challenging road conditions, such as slippery or uneven surfaces. The system is particularly beneficial in adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or ice, providing an added layer of safety by preventing potential accidents caused by loss of traction.

If the traction control system malfunctions, several indicators may manifest, alerting drivers to a potential issue. Common signs of traction control system problems include the illumination of the traction control light on the dashboard, unexpected wheel slippage or loss of traction, and unusual noises or vibrations coming from the vehicle during acceleration. Additionally, a decrease in overall vehicle stability and responsiveness may be observed, signaling a potential anomaly within the traction control system that requires attention.

Check Engine And Traction Control Light are on: Troubleshooting Tips


Troubleshooting And Fixing Check Engine And Traction Control Lights

Troubleshooting Check Engine and Traction Control Lights

When your check engine and traction control lights come on simultaneously, it can be a concerning situation for any driver. Understanding the potential issues and how to address them is crucial to ensuring the safety and performance of your vehicle.

Diagnosing The Issue

Diagnosing the problem is the first step in addressing check engine and traction control light issues. Common causes include faulty wheel speed sensors, low brake fluid levels, or a malfunctioning traction control system.

Repairing The Traction Control System

Repairing the traction control system may involve checking and replacing faulty wheel speed sensors, ensuring proper fluid levels, or addressing any underlying issues with the system components.

Resetting The Check Engine Light

Resetting the check engine light may require using an OBD-II scanner to clear the error codes stored in the vehicle’s computer. It is important to address the root cause of the issue before resetting the light to prevent recurring problems.

Maintenance To Prevent Recurrence

Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent the recurrence of Check Engine and Traction Control light issues. Conduct routine inspections and servicing to ensure optimal performance.

  • Practice smooth acceleration and braking to reduce strain on the engine and traction control system.
  • Keep tires properly inflated to maintain traction and prevent unnecessary strain on the system.
  • Follow recommended maintenance schedules to address potential issues before they escalate.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Check Engine And Traction Control Light Are On

Why Did My Trac Off And Check Engine Light Come On At The Same Time?

The Trac Off light means traction control is turned off. If the check engine light is also on, there may be a deeper issue. Pressing the traction control button may help, but if the check engine light is on, it could indicate a problem with the safety system.

Is It Ok To Drive With Traction Control Light On?

While it is generally safe to drive with the traction control light on, there are certain conditions where you should avoid driving. If the traction control light, anti-lock braking system light, and red brake-warning light all illuminate, it may indicate a problem with your entire braking system.

It is best to have it checked by a professional.

How Do You Know If Your Traction Control Sensor Is Bad?

If your traction control sensor is bad, you may notice a lit traction control light, inconsistent brakes, and a stuck traction control switch. This can happen when the wheel speed sensors malfunction.

Does Traction Control Affect The Engine?

Traction control can reduce engine power and apply brakes to prevent slipping tires, improving grip on the road.


If you see the check engine and traction control lights on, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly. Ignoring these warnings could lead to potential safety hazards and costly repairs. Visit a qualified mechanic to diagnose the problem and ensure the proper functioning of your vehicle’s essential systems.

Stay safe on the road!

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